City Mayor Sitti Djalia Turabin-Hataman together with Vice Mayor Jhul Kifli Salliman spearheaded the consultation workshop of Comprehensive Development Plan and Executive-Legislative Agenda to partner CSOs, NGOs and National Government Agency, February 03 at SP Session Hall.
Mayor Turabin-Hataman thanked everyone who attended and explained that the meeting’s goal is to develop and present the 6-year comprehensive development plan for the city to the partner agencies so that they can participate and align their organizational goals with the city’s program as partners.
During the session, Engr. Merewyn Sadjail presented the preparation of the list of PPAs, CapDev, and legislative requirements for the drafting of the CDP CY 2023-2028 per development sector, as well as the CDP prioritization and funding requirements for the drafting of the ELA CY 2023-2025. (Words by S.J. Asakil/Photos by M. Santos, CIO)